My Work

Pivot Interactives

Pivot Interactives uses slow motion video and unique measurement tools to enable students to discover scientific models of real events. An online library of activities covers the breadth of physics, while biology and chemistry are currently in development. Additionally, teachers can create activities using their own videos or with videos from their students.

My Involvement

I've been working as a fullstack developer with Pivot Interactives for four years. I've worked on just about every aspect of the product, and continue to prototype and build new features.


  • BACKEND: Express, Mongoose, Mongo
  • FRONTEND: Vue, Sass, Backbone, Handlebars
  • DEVELOPMENT: Webpack, Mocha, Chai, Karma, Heroku

This Site

While I have no formal education in design, I have picked up a few tricks along the way. I've used what I've learned to design and build this site. I also took the opportunity to use new tech that I had not used before to expand my skills.


  • FRONTEND: React, Tailwind, GraphQL
  • DEVELOPMENT: Gatsby, Zeit Now